Penkhae Utaijaratrasmi
BSc. (Medical Technology, First Class Honours), PhD. (Immunology
Penkhae is a laboratory supervisor at GPD laboratory, specialising in molecular lab testing. Her background is as a medical technologist and impressively achieved her Bachelors Degree with 1st class honors from Medical Technology. With her Bachelors Degree, she continued her studies and earned her Doctoral Degree in Immunology from the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. She also received the Royal Golden Jubilee PhD scholarship during her Ph.D, and she brings her experience in molecular research in cancer to the GPD team.
After graduation, Penkhae started work as a laboratory manager in sanger sequencing in Thailand, during which time she successfully set-up and developed protocols for sanger sequencing to service all customers, including hospitals and fellow researchers in Thailand. Penkhae is an experienced application specialist who provides client support in all aspects of immunology and molecular products.